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Trump Administration Spells the Death of OSHA Heat Standard Rule
As the nation prepares for another term under President Donald Trump, the issue of workplace heat exposure and the potential for an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) heat standard is once again on the table. Despite growing calls for stronger regulations to protect workers from extreme heat, the new administration will probably be the end of OSHA’s heat safety rule.
As the climate changes and extreme weather become more commonplace, employers have been under constant pressure to protect workers. In 1986 the Center for Disease and Prevention issued a report calling for heat standards. Heat killed at least 815 workers between 1992 and 2017 and seriously injured some 70,000 more, according to federal data.
The current proposed OSHA heat standard rule, published in July 2024, requires a Heat Injury and Illness Prevention Plan that employers would need to put into effect for a heat trigger — when temperatures reach 80 degrees F or a wet bulb globe temperature equal to the NIOSH Recommended Alert Limit. The 1,000 page rule outlines that employers would have even more requirements to protect workers for a high-heat trigger — when temperatures reach 90 degrees or hotter. The proposed rule public comment period ends December 30th, 2024. It takes months for OSHA to review that input and finalize the rule, which will not be done prior to Trump’s inauguration on January 20th ,2025.
Critics of the standard cite that it would be overly burdensome and challenging to implement, but don’t expect there to be no heat safety requirements under the new administration. OSHA’s National Emphasis Program — which reinforces the credo of water, rest and shade and ups inspections around heat — remains on the books until April at a minimum. 7 states have also created or are considering their own OSHA-approved state workplace safety and health programs.
As always, Wakefield Equipment is here to help and keep you up to date on legislation that impacts your business. We can also help design your manufacturing floor to optimize efficiency while keeping employee safety top of mind.