The window screen manufacturing industry plays a vital role in providing essential products that enhance…

Manufacturing Automation: Benefits for the Fenestration Industry
When it comes to any type of project, it pays to have the right tools on hand. For window and door manufacturers, using automation in their manufacturing can ease the tasks of cutting, routing and forming. TigerStop offers a variety of manufacturing automation products including TigerStop, TigerFence and TigerSaws that are designed with the fenestration industry in mind.
With TigerStop, operators can program exactly where to stop cutting, sanding, or punching a material. By doing so, they save time by not needing to set and reset manual stops or continuously measure and adjust materials. There is also a significant savings from reduced waste when using an automated fenestration product. TigerStop eliminate human errors. Once an operator sets the software to where the material should be cut and places the material, the TigerStop does the rest. You’ll never have to measure twice again.
Window and door manufacturers are always concerned about their employee’s safety. Implementing automated devices like TigerStop gets a high score in terms of safety. How? Machine operators are no longer required to stop and restart the machine for dozens of times a day. All of this is done automatically by the device.
Reduce Skilled Worker Needs
Finding qualified workers can be a challenge for many window and door manufacturing companies. Building windows and doors was a highly skilled trade with few skilled workers available. Relying more on automated fenestration products like TigerStop can help reduce the number of skilled operators needed. Anyone can now use a saw with accurate cuts every time. TigerStop products are also easy to use and require very little training.
To find out how Wakefield Equipment can help your business save money and be more productive with a TigerStop lineal positioner, or to purchase a TigerStop, please contact us today for information. You can also visit our YouTube channel for informational videos, see Tigerstop in action and listen to customer testimonials!