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Browse our complete inventory of TigerStop parts and accessories. TigerStop parts and accessories can be added to your TigerStop at any time and are a great way to reduce waste and increase your uptime. Wakefield is a preferred TigerStop vendor and offers a fast and convenient way to order your TigerStop parts.

TigerTouch Tablet Package

#TABLET-PKG – PC (TigerTouch Tablet Package with CLIP software, Monitor, Stand)

PC (with touch screen software), monitor and stand. $4,350.00.

#TSHP – TigerStop Hardware Pack

TigerStop hardware pack. $40.00 each.

#UBR – Universal Bracket (replaces BR3x3)

Bracket 3" x 3" inches (every 3' of TigerStop length). $50.00 each.

#USBA – TigerStop USB-to-Serial Converter

USB-to-serial converter. $250.00 each.

#USL – TigerStop U-Slot Plastic Extrusion

TigerStop U-slot plastic extrusion, $2.00 per foot.

PLG polymer linear glide

PLG polymer linear glide. $30.00 each.
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